If you talk to people about what they are looking for in regards to rating a country or a city, there are probably a lot of different factors that come into play.
At Huurportaal we are working with people who are in the process of moving everyday, exchanging questions and information about certain cities and areas, across all of our markets. These daily interactions have led to the preparation of this Quality Index and ranking of the 12 provinces in the Netherlands, based on 8 categories which indicate different aspects of the quality of living.
Our Quality Index ranked the Provinces of the Netherlands through the following categories:
- Housing
- Crime
- New Arrivals
- Economie
- Leisure and culture
- Health
- Education
All data has been collected and processed from the Office for National Statistics. The latest data available has been used for each datasource. Min-max normalization has been used to index the data sources in question. This method of indexing allows us to convert any kind of data to a value between 1-10, where 1 represents the lowest/worst value and 10 the highest/best value within the category. This means that the higher a score a city achieves, the better it is relative to others. To ensure a precise and representative result as possible, all cities missing more than two data sources have been removed from the Quality index.
The average total (net) amount spent on housing such as rent or mortgage, including additional housing costs such as property tax, premiums paid for home insurance, sewerage charges, gas, water and electricity and maintenance.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Statista -
The total number of registered crimes in the province, divided by the number of citizens.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and Statista -
New Arrivals
The number of people moving to this province, from inside the Netherlands. Immigration has been excluded, as rules and regulations might affect the numbers
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek -
Comparison of the GDP per capita of the province, and also taking into account the unemployment rate
OECD Regional Statistics -
Leisure and culture
The number of listed monuments, cultural sites and UNESCO world heritage locations. We also ranked the average number of cultural sites within 50 km
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek -
Comparison of the life expectancy and the number of general practices/hospitals within 5 km.
Eurostat study Statistics -
Comparison of the employment rate, level of education and the amount of early leavers from education and NEET
OECD Regional Statistics